Editing the plugin's messages
A Text editor like Notepad++, Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.
Step by step
Right click the plugin jar, click on "Open as" and choose the ZIP program;
Copy the messages file corresponding to your language to the plugin's folder;
If there isn't one for your language, copy "" instead and rename it with your language code appended. For example, if your language is Russian:
Edit the messages and save;
in config.yml to your language code;Reload the plugin using /clan reload.
Overriding specific messages
If you like the current translation, but want to change only a few lines:
1. Copy the file to the plugin's folder;
2. Delete all messages except the ones you would like to edit;
3. Edit them and save.
Note: Please note that your custom
does not automatically update when new messages are added.
Share your translations!
SimpleClans has a project on Crowdin. There you can translate the messages and suggest corrections!
Note: if you have an old
file for SimpleClans that you translated to your language, open an issue here, I will convert the file and add it to the plugin.
Last updated
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