♟️API Examples

This page will help you understand how to install and use the SimpleClans API in your plugins.

Step 1. Add the SimpleClans API to your plugin

There are two ways to do this: via Maven or locally. We strongly recommend doing this via Maven.


Add the following lines to pom.xml:

        <!-- You can find out the latest available version in the note below -->

Note The latest version can be found here: link


In this example, we will use the IntelliJ IDEA, but the following actions also work in other IDEs.

  1. Open the structure of your project (F4)

  2. Select Libraries, click on the cross, select "New Project Library -> Java" in the window that appears and add SimpleClans.

Return to the project structure, then go to Project Settings - > Modules, set the compilation mode to "Provided".

Step 2. Use the SimpleClans API

What do you need to know?

  • ClanPlayer is a class that represents a player object. This class contains information about the player, his clan, etc.

  • Clan is a class that presents a clan object. It has methods for getting clan players, clan tag, allies, leaders, etc.

  • ClanManager is a class that allows you to retrieve Clan and ClanPlayer.

Example of using SimpleClans API

You can hook into SimpleClans plugin like so:

public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
    private static MyPlugin instance;
    private SimpleClans sc;
    public void onEnable() {
      instance = this;
      Plugin plug = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("SimpleClans");
      if (plug != null) {
          sc = (SimpleClans) plug;
    public SimpleClans getSCPlugin() {
        return sc;
    public static getInstance() {
        return instance;

If you don't want to specify a check for the presence of SimpleClans, you can always specify a dependency in plugin.yml:

    - SimpleClans

Step 3. Continue your learning

Don't stop in your beginnings, feel free to learn our API: javadocs.

Last updated